
Smart Factory Kunshan is embedded into the Startup Factory incubation campus. The campus is part of German Industrial Park Kunshan and in the heart of a lively industrial community with >8.000 manufacturing companies in proximity.

The incubation campus consists of three 3-story factory premises with around 35.000 sqm production space, and additional 5.000 sqm office, meeting room, canteen and restaurant and a separate warehouse building (1.000 sqm) for finished goods. The factory premises are connected via roof terraces with gardens and launch areas for events. Embedded into the production buildings Smart Factory Kunshan operates a Smart Factory Lab with 1.000 sqm, 2 levels of build-in containers for demonstration and co-working, including an exhibition area, and flexible separated training rooms and a Lean Lab on 220 sqm with smaller exhibition area and an assembly line for qualification purposes. Within the Labs Smart Factory Kunshan can host events with up to 300 participants and utilize the canteen and restaurant area of Startup Factory.


Smart Factory Lab

Smart Factory Lean Lab

Startup Factory