Welcome to our IIoT Events!

Smart Factory Kunshan IIoT technology hub is THE venue for Industry 4.0 events in the greater Shanghai area. Find here the next events that will take place in Smart Factory Kunshan organized by partner companies and us. Enjoy the unique atmosphere – much more than a hotel ballroom!

Event formats…
… Conference & exhibition
… Tech Talk
… Company product presentation/technology day
… In-house exhibition
… Factory Tours
In case you are looking for a unique event venue have a look at our offerings.

Upcoming events

Past events

September 27th 2022
Thomas Opening Ceremony

September 22nd 2022
MVTalks seminar

September 14th – 17th, 2021
4-Day Expert Program: Lean Manufacturing

July 22th, 2021

July 21th, 2021
Business Briefing – Q2 2021

April 15th, 2021
German Chamber Meeting

October 30th, 2020
STAUFEN Lean Training

September 27th, 2020
Staufen.Shanghai CIP-Day


Smart Factory Kunshan will become the place to go getting a “live” picture of Industry 4.0 for professional audience. We are designing tech tours in our venues for IIoT use cases and demos. Stay tuned.

In meantime feel free to contact us.